📄️ Effects
The Effects panel allows you to add effects to a module, and control their parameters.
📄️ Macros
The Macros panel allows you to add knobs, buttons, or sliders that can be assigned to almost any parameter further down the layer.
📄️ Mix
The Mix panel allows you to adjust the volume and panning of the entire module and its submodules.
📄️ Modulators
The Modulators panel allows you to add any combination of six different modulators to control parameters within Sensory Percussion with your playing.
📄️ Pitch & Scale
The Pitch & Scale panel allows you to control melody to repitch and control melodies.
📄️ Sends
The Sends Panel allows you to control how much of the audio from a selected module (and its submodules) is sent to an audio bus.
📄️ Submodules
The Submodules panel allows you to see all of the modules contained inside of the module you have selected.
📄️ Velocity I/O
The Velocity I/O panel allows you to adjust how the entire layer responds to your playing.