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File Menu

A screenshot of the file menu dropdown

The file menu is located in the top left corner of the software. This menu is where you can manage your sessions.

The file menu has the following options:

New session

This will close whatever session you have loaded and create a completely blank session. From here, you can start building your own sets from scratch, or drag and drop pre-made assets from the library. When you create a new session, your work won't be saved to disk until you select Save session or press + s, at which point you'll be asked to name your session.

Load session

This will open up your finder/file explorer and from here, you can open a previously saved session from your computer. Session files have the extension .sp2

Open Recent session

This will show you a list of your recently opened sessions, and you can choose which one to open from there.

Save session...

Selecting "Save session" will save any unsaved changes to disk. If you are working in a new session, you'll first be asked to name your session a choose a location to save it.

Save session as...

Save as will make a copy of whatever session you have open with a new name of your choosing. The new file will be opened as the current active session.

Collect and save session...

This option will save your session and collect all the assets used in the session into a single folder. This is useful if you want to move your session to a different computer. Samples from the core library and installed packs will not be included in the collected session and need to be installed separately on each computer.

Install soundpack...

Use this option to select a .spz file from your file system to install a Sunhouse soundpack. Soundpacks are collections of samples and presets that can be used in Sensory Percussion.

Load demo session

The demo session comes with Sensory Percussion and includes 11 presets that demonstrate the best of what Sensory Percussion can do. These sets range from rich chordal kits, to detailed acoustic drum mappings.

Load inputs

This option will allow you to select a .spi hardware input list from your file system. Warning: any changes you've made to your currently loaded inputs will be overwritten - so make sure you choose "Save inputs as..." if you want to keep your changes.

Open recent inputs

This will show you a list of your recently loaded input files.

Save inputs As...

Selecting will allow you to save your current hardware inputs to a .spi file for later use or to transfer to a different computer.

Audio settings

The "Audio settings" option opens the Audio settings panel. This panel can also be opened by clicking on the gear icon or your selected "device" in the footer of the app. You can also open the panel with the keyboard shortcut + ,.

Key mappings

Selecting "Key mappings" will open the Keyboard mappings panel in the app settings, where you can learn about current mappings or create your own. You can also open the panel with the keyboard shortcut + K.

User Account

Selecting "User Account" will log you out of Sensory Percussion.


This will close the software.