What's new
Version 2.4.2
This is a minor update that fixes some stability improvements and workflow fixes. We included a new Gain Utility effect, and a new feature for generating a diagnostic report that can help our support team identify issues more quickly if you need help.
- Added diagnostic report collection feature to the help menu
- Added new Gain Utility effect
- cmd-G now groups, cmd-option-G now groups into...
- Prevent invalid key presses from causing OS system error beeps
- Allow assignments on set index with a single set
- When the current set is deleted, the set in the same slot gets selected
- Adjusted paste/insert behavior
- Fixed a refresh issue with HW out VU meters when loading a new set
- Block invalid assignments on Sampler gain/autogain widgets
- Ungrouping now preserves zone mappings
- Fixed UI bugginess with HW analog input & output icon selection
- Fixed selection navigation with up/down keys in submodules list
- Fixed some stability issues
Version 2.4.1
This release includes one of the top-requested features: built-in recording. We also threw in a sweet new Stereo Delay effect and eight new presets to play! Read on for the full list of updates.
- Added mix output recording feature
- Added Stereo Delay effect
- Added keyboard shortcut capability to record button
- Replace default session name after saving
- Adjusted spacing and styling on mini HW outputs in footer
- Fixed issue where muting via assign on midi modules didn't work
- Fixed issue with hardware input panel where add sensor window would erroneously close
- Fixed stability issue in submix UI
- Improved stability of bus engine
- Fixed bug in guided setup that prevented adding inputs
- Fixed bug in guided setup that caused narrative glitch
Sound Library
- Added "Core Gigantus" to the Acoustic Drums pack
- Added "Electro Gigantus" to the Electric Drums pack
- Added "whyisThereAnythingAtAll?", "Frugal Melody", "Mono no aware", and "Cascading Melody" to the Electro Melodic pack
- Added "Apophenia" and "godOfTheGaps" to the Patterns pack
- Added the long lost "Phantasmagorical" samples to 'samples/Tonal Instruments/Electric Keys/Phantasmagorical/Notes'
- Mixing improvements and small fixes across all core library packs
Version 2.3.2
This is a small update that fixes some annoying bugs and crashes. We've also added a few quality-of life features. Happy drumming.
- Added right-click options throughout the app
- Added cmd+d keyboard shortcut for duplicating
- Adjusted velocity drag on sliders for better default behavior
- Updated Pitch & Scale “scale mode” button that separates on/off from open/closed
- Copying a sample to siblings now also copies the gain parameter
- Fixed crash that can happen when exiting the app
- Fixed issue where assigning in scale mode did not show the Scale Panel
- Fixed crash when loading session twice in a row
- Fixed Multi-band EQ bug where adjusting a band’s gain altered the overall gain for the effect
- Optimized message processing
Version 2.3.0
- Added Global Set, with always-playing objects
- Added set transitions options
- Add MIDI pads surface type hardware input
- Add grid pads controller module type
- Added "Random | Step" modulator type
- Added global stop button
- Added "remember step" option to Sequencer
- Enable modulators panel on MIDI CC and note generators modules
- Add filtering options for OSC output
- Add pitch & scale panel to MIDI router
- Add note length to MIDI router
- Add a “copy to siblings” helper function
- Enabled assignments from any source to any target
- New input range adjustment parameter on Macro assignments
- Added a new pickup element and sensor setup page to Guided Setup flow
- Added Start/Stop controls to the sampler trim view
- Added new “What’s New” guide
- Added inspector tab to MIDI hardware input module
- Added velocity sensitivity to play buttons
- Implemented new set list selector dropdown
- Added “command + r” to rename selected module
- Updated portal Windows driver to v5.70.0
- Set metro to default to “off” when created
- Updated “velocity” mode to “note velocity” in midi modulators
- Removed “save” from plugin and passed “command+s” directly to Ableton
- Improved defaults when assigning to buttons for various input types
- Update labels for modulator type and surface type in assignments GUI
- Improved UX for next/previous set button assignments
- Rehide pitch and scale on sampler
- Ensured plugin GUI does not create extra windows beyond the main one
- Show full name in filter effect type combobox
- Fixed waveform update issue in sample trim
- Fixed drag-assigning to trigger button starting in continuous mode
- Double-clicking on assignment target output now uses param default
- Fixed bug where shift-dragging on param numbox opened assignment edit window instead of modifying drag speed
- Fixed issue where default shortcuts get unmapped
- Fixed assignments on smooth and invert params
- Resolved paste order issues
- Fixed issues with sequencer index assignment behavior
- Fixed possible crash with assignment MIDI learn
- Fixed user settings with unmapped keyboard shortcuts
Library Updates
- added Tom 3 virtual inputs to most sets--now if you have 3 tom sensors, most kits will work right off the bat
- added "augmented ghost note" option to most of the Electric Drums Kits
- New sets: "Augmented sol", "Augmented Zukunft Drums" "stereo power sol" and "Combo Drums" added to the Acoustic Drums pack.
- Minor fixes, mixing, and upgrades to sets across the library
Version 2.2.3
- you can now open an spz soundpack installer file by double-clicking the file in Finder or Explorer
- updated the initial app window size to something bigger
- fixed issue causing noise when switching sets
- added missing assignment connections to envelope modulator parameters
- fixed an issue where objects get pasted in reverse order
- fixed issue where toggle params sometimes displayed the wrong value when toggled by assignment
Version 2.2.2
This is a small update that fixes an issue introduced in the last release that prevented MIDI Note Generator modules from initializing correctly. The MIDI should now flow freely!
Version 2.2.1
- added the ability to turn off assignments with new power button UI
- fixed issue where audio glitches could happen when switching sets
- fixed issue with MIDI router module forwarding messages
- honor default unit when typing values in numbox
- improved keyboard focus behavior in the VST3 plugin window
- display appropriate number of decimal units in tooltips
- ensure library sample monitoring is enabled after opening old sessions
- prevent creating a new preference folder for the plugin
- improved session loading time
- fixed initialization bug in the 3 Band EQ effect module
- fixed bug when adding assignments to the Voice Ctrl parameter in Pitch & Scale
- fixed issue with Windows ASIO device selection
- fixed double hit issue when shift-clicking on drum pads
- prevent possible clicks when muting modules
- fixed potential crash when adding LFOs
- updated unique machine ID function to address a potential Windows signin issue
Version 2.2.0
- improved hit detection algorithm with better accuracy and sensitivity
- new Multiband EQ effect
- added option to "collect all and save" a session to the file menu
- added "Add Module" button on empty layers and lists with quick access to library
- new collapsed layer view with better VU meters and controls
- added right-click shortcut to "ungroup" child modules from their parent
- new app scaling option in Settings->General
- added plugin version of app, installable via settings
- added Modulators panel to Sampler
- improved look and layout of glide param in assignments window
- improved skew of log-scaled param ranges (Hz, sec, ms, amplitude)
- assignments now respect skew of the assigned param
- added a custom skew curve for fader volume sliders
- fixed various issues creating assignments
- fixed issue with set selection assignments not saving and/or not working
- sets that reference installed soundpacks are now more portable
Version 2.1.8
This is a small release with some fixes and a few nice additions.
- You can now use MIDI Program Change to control which set is active in Sensory Percussion - turn this on in the Settings panel.
- The Pitch & Scale transpose panel now correctly affects MIDI messages on the MIDI Router module.
- The changelog popup (this one!) is now more readable
- The EQBand and Filter effects had some icons in the wrong spot. Those are fixed.
- New keyboard shortcuts for switching to Play/Edit/Mix view
Version 2.1.7
This release has tons of new features, quality-of-life improvements, and bug fixes. Lots of modules and effects got a fresh reorganization and coat of paint. The old Transpose panel is now call "Pitch & Scale" and has the added ability to quantize to a scale. It's really fun. Check out the full changelog below and let us know what you think!
- added new Pitch & Scale panel to modules
- added smooth curve options to the Velocity IO panel
- new "Add Effect" menu to effects lists in modules
- added a "maximum midi note length" option to midi hardware outputs
- new highlight drop targets when dragging something from the library or dragging an assignment
- improved the Sequencer module layout
- improved the Pads Controllers layout
- all effect modules got an improved layout
- virtual inputs are now automatically managed
- improved performance when loading and closing large sets
- added input filters to the Midi CCs Generator module
- removed the Velocity IO panel from Audio Insert (doesn't do anything there)
- improved behavior of dragging an object into an already full list
- improved mouse wheel scrolling behavior
- prevent zone contextual menu to keep floating after loosing focus
- note controllers now correctly forward stop messages to submodules
- fixed an issue where audio bus parameters were not assignable
- fixed an issue where velocity modulators would not update to a new input source
- fixed a potential layout issue when dropping an effect
- prevent long file names from getting cut off in the software header
- fixed an issue where Velocity IO settings in Midi Notes Generator were getting ignored
Version 2.1.6
This beta comes with some important crash fixes, improvements to MIDI input and output support, and some useful convenience features.
- add 'note' option to MIDI Control assignments
- add menu to 'generate from selection' right-click option in library panel
- added right-click options for quick actions in sub mixes
- allow entering time and frequency values using unit suffixes
- allow dragging-and-dropping files into the edit view layer space
- update input filter logic for MIDI Generator and Pad Controller modules
- updated design for the MIDI CC and Note Generator modules
- improved overal speed of navigation and editing
- enabled use of metal renderer on macOs
- fix possible crash while editing parameters with assignments
- fix possible crash while triggering sequencer
Version 2.1.5
- fixed a crash on macOs Mojave 10.14
Version 2.1.4
- added support for installing soundpacks
- added option to select library audition inputs directly from the library
- improve layout of hardware outputs panel
- when you delete a module, the next sibling module is now selected instead of the parent module
- prevent deleting a set accidentally by pressing delete key (right-click only)
- avoid resetting scroll when enabling or disabling hardware channels
- update mix bus panel upon renaming a set
- ensure 'open recent file' entries are up-to-date in application menu
- hit controller now flashes correctly on incoming hits
- fix layout of some vertical meters
- prevent possible crash when quiting
Version 2.1.3
- added new Transposition panel to all controllers
- added Edit menu entry to repair broken samples
- prevent multiple hardware analog outputs from having the same channels outputs
- add support for 'all' midi input devices
- improved menu to create a new audio bus
- do not list hidden files in folders in the Library
- removed unused type column from sample library navigation
- ensure assignments are updated before their parent are triggered
- prevent possible data loss when application exits before user saved
- fix possible rounding error in numbox parameters
- improve display of decimals in numbox components
- prevent contextual menu from staying open when creating an assignment
- fix potential broken state with sampler waveform thumbnail
- prevent potential crash when creating a new sensor input
- prevent potential crash when closing settings panel
- prevent potential crash when deleting the last set
- improve display of input level meter
- ensure recent file entries in application menu is up to date
- improve session navigation in library
- fix assignment on root note in note controller
- ensure envelope modulators reach end level after release time completed
- ensure matrix view is up-to-date after undoing an edit
- fix initialization of use velocity option in envelope modulator
- improve contextual menu opened from set buttons
Library Updates
- added three sets to Electro Melodic: "mezmerized by the machine", "elactrolithic cithara", and "mesopelagia"
- added four sets to Electric Drum Kits: "sonikCrush Drums 2", "sonikCrush Drums 3", "subtractiveSample Kit 1" and "Contemporary R&B Kit"
- added two sets to Acoustic Drums: "Black Cat Congas", and "Power Funk Kit"
- added new detailed acoustic samples for the Power Funk drum kit set
- added new "Basic Synth Wave" samples for subtractiveSample Kit 1 and many others like it in the future
- minor mixing and editing
Version 2.1.2
This release has some important fixes and some nice optimizations.
- Prevent a crash loading sessions on Windows
- Fixed several issues with assignments, including an issue where assignment settings wouldn't apply until after a hit
- Prevent opening more than one righ-click contextual menu at a time
- Prevent sending MIDI on invalid channels
- Make sure the correct submodule is shown after deleting a sibling module
- Fixed an issue with dragging modules around
- Fixed an issue with the sampler waveform zoom position
- Improved the loading speed of large session files
- Pressing escape during a drag-and-drop now cancels the action
- Improved the layout of drum pads
Version 2.1.1
This minor update includes a few important bug fixes and some minor improvements.
- Fixed an issue where submixes were broken when diplicating a set
- Prevent a parameter from listing itself as a source on an assignment
- Fixed a rounding error in number boxes
- Double-clicking on a .sp2 file now correctly opens it on macOS
- MIDI Router module now sends MIDI note off before sending a new note
- Fixed a row highlighting issue in the controller matrix view
- Resetting a level meter peak indicator now changes all of its instance
- Optimized how SP animates vu meters
- Improved the styling of assignment number boxes
- Improved fader keyboard interactions
Version 2.1.0
- new submix buses to send different layer mixes to different hardware outputs
- allow drag-and-drop of modulators to create assignments
- enable keyboard navigation in the library panel
- new vertical session set list dropdown
- added retrigger buttons to all controllers
- added monitoring volume control in the library panel
- new group controller layout
- updated metro controller to include 'Ignore Hits' and 'Restart on Hit' buttons
- allow manual editing of bpm value in metro controller
- improve styling of dotted list in edit view
- improve layout of session set buttons
- improve assignment deletion menu to select among multiple assignments
- improve labels of merged containers
- stopping a sequencer now stops all of its children
- renamed phaser parameter 'order' to 'stages'
- make modulator panel less wide when empty
- show number of submodules in panel headers when collapsed
- added About menu entry
- added duration metadata for samples in the library
- allow adjusting parameters with up and down arrows
- fix broken assignments when changing input or mode
- prevent noise when muting hardware analog input
- fix keyboard shortcuts for keyboard and midi settings window
- prevent resetting assignment mode when changing its input
- fix initialization of hit controllers
- fix assignment on sends and session sets
- improve wrapping of long names
- prevent invalid sequence length
- trigger buttons now highlight when hovered
- fix colors in hit controller
- fix highlighting of follow trigger button
- fix sequencer flashes when in manual mode
- fix contextual menu to generate from effects
- fix possible wrong layout in library
- remember sorting and open state of library folders
- make sure library header gets updated when using navigation keys
- improve library loading time
- improve layout of library panels, add scroll bar when needed
- prevent right-clicks to open two different contextual menus
- prevent showing vu meters when too small
- prevent ellipses in text in various places in the app
- prevent display issues in 'generate from selection' contextual menu
- prevent assignments on hardware input and output modules
- remember fader and numbox values when using arrow keys
- display newly created assignment when creating a second one
- fix indexing issue when using set-level macros
- fix indexing issue on number of steps in sequencer
- ensure automated saving of unnamed sessions
- prevent dragging modulator when changing its numbox values
- remove property when resetting a parameter to its default value
- prevent possible crash when deleting a macro
- prevent possible crash upon exiting
Added Ten New Sets:
- To Acoustic Drums: Blendocity
- To Chord Sequences: Aeronimus, and Celestial Computer Worm
- To Electric Drum Kits: Analog Oscar Nadir, and Octo 80s and 90s
- To Electro Melodic: Sylphic Ecology, Galvanic Habitat, Lagomorphius Submarinus, and Tone Planets
- To Patterns: mutatingMembranes
Other improvements
- Set Level Macro Improvements for All Sets
- Updated all sets to have the new and improved version of the squash compressor
- Added “Final reverb on/off macro toggles” to all sets in Acoustic Drums pack. Now you can quickly shut off all of the reverb on those kits by turning the finalization reverb off and setting the regular reverb macro to zero.
- Minor Fixes, Mixing and Cleanup Improvements
Version 2.0.3
- Added three new sets: "Tone-Color Melody" & "Kaninkele Maysele" in the Electro Melodic Pack, and "Neotethys" in the Chord Sequences Pack
- Added "learn" button to MIDI assignments
- You can now use arrow keys to audition audio files in the library
- Added VU meters to the audio settings page
- Added anonymized analytics with opt-out
- Added splash screen on startup
- Changed the Compressor effect default RMS window to 0 ms
- You can now drag-and-drop a macro onto another macro to create an assignment
- Shift-clicking on drum pads in the drum pads modules triggers a hit
- Follow triggered now scrolls down the list of modules
- Improved font sizes and default sorts in library
- "Hardware" is now renamed to "Virtual Input" in the assignment right-click menu
- Input surface type selection is now disabled when the input is a hardware device
- Prevent a possible crash when scrolling with a mouse wheel
- prevent a possible crash when exiting the guided setup
- Fixed 'retrig' button not working right on hit controllers
- Fix quick create on macros and effect parameters
- cmd/ctrl+click on a selected item now deselects it
- Fixed an issue where muted hardware was still coming through meters
- Fix muted effects not getting processed in modules
- Prevent layer vu-meters from drifting away
- Prevent system alert sounds
- Fixed an issue where input and surface type get out of sync in assignments
- Fixed a sampler transposition issue when using non integer values
- Prevent right-clicking on a set button from activating it
- Added three new sets: "Tone-Color Melody" & "Kaninkele Maysele" in the Electro Melodic Pack, and "Neotethys" in the Chord Sequences Pack
- Made the chord progression more interesting in "Phantasma Keys"
- In play view: moved all tonal macros to be the first in line. Previously, sets with tonal material were more likely to have the tonal-specific macros after the drums-specific macros. Mixing, small fixes, and various other clean up